Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Animal Rights

"Humans do not have the right to use animals for their own ends; therefore, animals should not be used for scientific experimentation. Some critics of this view raise questions about the scope of animal rights, such as whether they would have the right to vote. These critics believe that since animals cannot respect our rights, we should not grant rights to them. In fact, all animals have the right to be treated with respect. Like children, they do not have to vote or respect another's rights to have rights themselves. To continue to deliberately and cruelly violate the rights of animals exemplifies evil."

I strongly disagree with this quote from an article titled Animals are Entitled to Rights by Tom Regan. I feel that if an individual puts forth their money to purchase an animal for some certain use that is their buisness. For example, horses, cows, pigs, chickens, etc. are purchased daily for agricultural related uses. Just because an animal is purchased for use in some way does not mean it is being harmed as activists go so far to portray them. Animals should and most do have rights to a certain extent. It is not evil to own and put an animal to use in order to provide in many situations that society depends on them for today. No I'm not saying that because of this that animals should be treated in a horrible manner but they were put on this earth to be put to use therfore that is simply what is being done.